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日期:2008-07-16 09:51:07



EPC Gen2 UHF RFID标签和阅读器制造商 Impinj宣布已与半导体巨头 Intel合作,以部分 Impinj股份收购 Intel RFID事业部,包括销售Intel R1000 RFID芯片的权利。R1000 RFID芯片将正式更名为 Impinj Indy R1000

  一些 RFID制造商在其手持 RFID阅读器里采用 R1000芯片。同时Impinj向制造商保证 Impinj不会生产自己的手持设备来补充公司现有的固定的 Impinj Speedway 阅读器系列和其它手持设备。

  上周 Impinj将其非挥发内存知识产权以 5200万的价格售给VirageImpinj Intel的这场交易并没有直接的现金的往来,而是以 Impinj的部分股份形式体现。

  目前,Impinj计划继续在 Intel已有的 RFID项目基础上开发,基于R1000 发布一系列芯片产品。与半导体巨头的合作无疑将为 Impinj提供其它的市场机遇。

  一些行业专家认为这次收购代表着 RFID市场的一个重大转变。ABI Research RFID和非接触研究主管 Michael Liard称:随着 RFID市场的日益成熟和无源 RFID UHF新应用的涌现,市场对高集成技术(如 R1000)的需求不断增长, Intel选择 Impinj是对 Impinj RFID行业领先地位的肯定


Impinj purchases Intel’s RFID business

Thursday, July 10 2008

Seattle-based Impinj has announced the purchase of Intel’s RFID business division, including the rights to sell Intel’s R1000 RFID chips. The chip will be rebranded the Impinj Indy R1000.

The R1000 is used in the handheld RFID readers of a number of manufacturers. Impinj officials have assured these makers that the company does not intend to launch its own handheld device to complement the stationary Impinj Speedway line and compete with other handhelds.

The purchase follows last week’s sale of Impinj’s non-volatile memory intellectual property to Virage for $5.2 million. None of that cash went toward the Intel deal, which was based on Intel receiving an undisclosed equity stake in Impinj.

Currently, Impinj plans to continue the development of RFID projects already on the Intel drawing board, and launch a family of chip products based on the R1000. The new relationship with semiconductor giant Intel will likely provide other opportunities for Impinj based on Intel’s far-ranging contacts.

Some industry experts are hailing the deal as signifying a major market shift.

"As the RFID market matures and new passive UHF applications are enabled, the demand for highly integrated technology like the R1000 is growing," said Michael Liard, ABI Research RFID and contactless research director, said in a statement. "By choosing Impinj, Intel provides a clear confirmation of Impinj's leading role in the RFID industry.

IMPINJ代理商: 北京华威胜天科技有限公司

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